Tuesday, December 14, 2004

what happens when the TV/PC stays off one night

I can tell you what happens. Quality-time, ...no kidding. It's almost too corny to blog but D and I had a really good time yesterday and not once did he stray away to the computer or suggest we watch some TV.
Haven't had that much fun with him in a long time.
He must be having an affair.

I JUST can't help it can I? ... but I tell you, everytime I'm suspiciously happy it turns out he's been doing some sh*t behind my back.
This time, I'll try to not notice anything.
Me like-y happiness. And isn't happiness a very vague concept anyway. It's subjective and fragile and totally up to one's state of mind rather than one's state of being (i.e. all physical circumstances). Being happy isn't that easy but if you're good at being positive it doesn't matter what life throws in your way. You'll just deal with it, move on, see the positive aspects, make the best of it.
Hey, don't you like my pep-talk? ... Now I just gotta learn to live by it. ;)

Amongst many little mishaps today (yes, it was one of those days...see "bad day anyone" post earlier somewhere) the one that certainly outlined itself as the highlight of bad luck (or stupidity on my part) was when I managed to spill coffee into my bag three ... I repeat THREE... times in a row. This happened in the waiting room of my physical therapist's office. People started shaking their heads. As I was cleaning up the mess, I fought my tears (of laughter) while trying to satisfy myself with whatever caffeeine was left in the sugary disgusting stuff on the bottom of the cup.
If it things get this ridiculous, staying positive is actually much easier than at other times. Then again, I might also be close to a nervous break-down at that point and might possibly mistake my quiet laughter for positive attitude.

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