Tuesday, December 28, 2004

50.000 dead and counting....

I just can't get over these devastating news of the earthquake (and tsunamis) at the coasts of the Indian Ocean. 50.000 people.... all the news of war casualties (civil, soldiers, whatever side) which have upset me over the past months (and years) are suddenly put into perspective. So much more shit going on in this world.
Of course, this is a natural catastrophe but that doesn't take away from its impact and its reminder of how little we matter (we humans ... in this history of the world...this planet).

I wish I could drop everything, organize a big troop of volunteers and get over there to help.
But my belief in people (and the sacrifices they're willing to make) is rather faint...
It takes a lot to take such action. A lot of faith and determination and a whole bunch of other virtues only a few are equipped with.

i suck.
(but as the world keeps turning I am putting in a moment of silence in light of this very terrible disaster.)

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