Monday, December 27, 2004

jobs on the horizon (where they remain)

got offered a pretty cool job (and with cool I mean well paid)... unfortunately there's no way I'd get down to Wall Street by 9am.
i can't even make it to my job which is a 15 min. commute by car...i don't think I can even term this kind of drive to work a "commute" ... .... if I didn't have two small children I would have sooo taken that job...just to move on already.
sigh .. here is the more detailled mail my friend sent me (the one of referred me):

>yo mama,
>it's paying betwn 65k to 80k a year that's a lot of money. staff photographer for the nasdaq. >they will buy any and all the digital equip you want. shooting mostly guys in ties. sitting on >your ass, uploading the daily images to the website and maintaining their archives.
>piece of cake for you.
>call me so you can be a rich bitch.

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