Thursday, April 21, 2005

blogging time

it's been a bit hard to find time to blog lately.
this is an update of what I've been doing... so if you're looking for an semi-interesting anecdote, check back in a few days when I hope to have posted something less boring than my to-do-list.

First of all, I've been taking a class this semester. I graduated in 2000 but taking a class once in a while adds some diversity to my day....HA I need more shit to do. But seriously, I'm glad I have a different kind of pressure in my daily routine. The pressure of getting stuff done for class. So, this is a digital photography & contemporary art class. The book we're reading is way too avant-garde for me (they call that photography?) but I love the fact that I have projects and critiques and an exhibition to prepare for.
The up-coming exhibit, of course, adds stress. I have decided to do interviews in combination with my photographs and I totally underestimated the work involved when doing interviews about people's life stories. I bought the "Illustrated Guide to Radio" from >This American Life, one of my all-time-favorite radio shows. If you have a few minutes to spare, I highly recommend you listen to one or two of their stories (all archived on their website). They have great (and, of course, real) stories.
If I had the time I'd be stalking Ira Glass to absorb some interview tips. Also, ...I'd have to be in Ira, you're off the hook. ... Look at me, talking to Ira, as if I knew him...or as if he'd read my blog ...HA .. time for some coffee to fix the loose connections in my brain.

ok. I'm back. coffee steaming next to me.
My friend Shelly just told me about this article she read in the Financial Times or something like that. Anyway, they calculated the following:
If you buy ONE grande mocca from Starbucks every day for five years you'd spend about the same amount you'd need for a downpayment on a house in Westchester (nice suburb of NYC). Now, I didn't do the math to double-check this statement but if this is true then I would have had the downpayment for a house in freakin' Fieldston years ago. (non New Yorkers: Fieldston is the mansion part of the Bronx/Riverdale.).
In light of these calculations I then made my way to get coffee at the diner instead of the Starbucks joint. I don't like Starbucks coffee anyway but I'm a sucker for their mocca.
In general, I'm more of a Dunkin' Donuts kinda girl.

ok. I should be working. so, I'll continue blogging later. thanks for stopping by and never lose faith when I haven't written for a while. I'll always be back. I've got way too big of a mouth to keep it shut. (and to the dirty minds in the audience: get your mind out of the gutter!)

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