Friday, March 04, 2005

who is to blame?

Dario is pissing me off. I asked him if he'd be ok if I go to the Dominican Republic with my girlfriends for a few days. Plain out, said no. First he was honest about his problem ... all he can think of is me in the DR, with a bunch of his own people, apparently the horniest folk on this planet.
So, what the f does that mean? I cannot be trusted to go there? All I want is a long weekend with my book on the beach. I don't care about anybody or anything social. I just want to be on the beach. Water, sun or actually preferrably shade, and my books. Maybe a couple of horse-back riding trips and long unimportant chats with my girlfriends.

But no, he can't have it. And after he realized that his first reason was kind of offensive to me, he made up other excuses. He ended his argument with the fact that he had been wanting to go on such trips way before I did.
So? What is your point? ... I have never been in the way of these plans. Have given him the go-ahead with every single one of them, including the trips he wanted to make to Miami Beach at Spring Break and we all know why people go there at this time of year.

If it weren't for me he wouldn't be traveling anywhere, simply because he doesn't organize shit. Oh, I'm so pissed off.
And now he's telling me that I have wasted his whole vacation time with the trip I am planning to Austria. DON'T blame me! I asked you before I booked, if you wanted to go and you said yes. Now he is telling me, he never wanted to go and he's said that before. Point is, I asked him before I booked anything and he said yes. He just cannot blame me for messing up his traveling plans now. But he does. And it makes me feel like shit because I don't EVER want to be accused of making someone do something they do not want to do.
It's like one of my pillars of relationship ettiquette. Right next to honesty and loyality and all that shit.
ok. I am cursing to much.
I'll stop bitching now.

It seems that we like to blame our partners for our unaccomplished shit sometimes. I, myself, would like to blame Dario for a thing or two. Things I haven't done or accomplished due to his passive-aggressive behavior. I don't need much to be steered off the things I would like to do. I am such a f-ing push-over.
But here I go, I am blaming him...when REALLY I shouldn't, for it is my own fault. WE are responsible for our own happiness.
Although, by not being ok with me going to DR now, he IS to blame for my unfulfilled happiness.) ;) shit. can't apply my general Zen formula today.

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