Tuesday, March 01, 2005

can men and women be friends?

well, given the fact that a lot of my friends are guys and when I was younger most of them were (what can I say, I always was kind of a tomboy) I should answer this question with a YES. And I am .. but I am saying this with the awareness of the fact that even though women can have male "friends", most of those "friends" would probably like to have sex with her and/or would do so if circumstances would allow so.

This post is for a particular friend of mine. He is just too freaked out by the fact that he might like me and thus cannot be friends with me (out of loyality to Dario, I suppose). Why not? Most of my very good male friends used to have a crush on me. It's OK! Nobody cares.
Now, if I were a slut..then this would be a problem. Fortunately, I am not. ... In fact, even if I were single, I wouldn't be with ANY of my male friends. This is why those relationships work for me. I have no (sexual) interest in them whatsoever. I like them as people...no gender attached.
One of my best friends, Vern, actually told Dario himself that he used to have a crush on me. He could have kept that to himself but I agree with him ... it's no big deal.... as long as nobody acts on it... geez,..I mean, I know this guy so long, ...he used to have a crush on a new girl every other week. ;) Lucky man. Or ...just 'man'? ... I can't even remember the last time I had a crush on anyone.
Actually that's not true... but really, it takes years for me to meet another person I find attractive ... if this is the case I usually don't mingle with them at all.... I'm too aware of danger. Don't want to get in a mess.
Dario on the other hand seems to have no problem hanging out with girls he likes.
AAAAAAAAAASSSSSHHOOOOOOOLEEEEEEEEE. ( <- obviously, I appear to have some latent and unresolved issues here).

well, so ... to my dear friend, who I miss a lot (AS A FRIEND!) ... get over it already and please, let's talk again...and hang out like we used to.

Friendship can be a beautiful thing. Even with a female. Try it. ;)

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