Wednesday, May 18, 2005

what they found on ebay

so, as I sit here for the 4th night in a row..working late on my class project (-taking an "Advanced Digital Photography & Contemporary Art" class this semester-)...I am watching Jay Leno again for the first time in many many months.
So, now they have this new segment in the show called "What we've found on e-bay" and really this makes me wanna quit my job and try to make a living searching for religious memorbilia (hmm..I'm too lazy to look up how to spell this...the Austrian in me turns around in shame)...
Anyway, so here it is.
A dorito chip shaped like the pope's hat (or dome or whatever you call it...NO, I'm not going to look this up know what I'm talking about)... it was sold for $1,500 DOLLARS!
You think this is bad? ... A piece of toast which looked like someone had scratched a smiley face into it and then claimed it to be some appearance of a runaway bride (who the F is Jennifer Wilbanks??) went for 15,400 US DOLLARS!!!
I don't get this. I reeaaaaally don' t get this. Somebody please explain how this is possible.

And if that isn't enough, there was someone else who sold a toast with a Jennifer Wilbanks "appearance" a few days before that for $4,000. Ok, let's say you actually believe this is just some sort of appearance...wouldn't you wonder about the authenticity of the second toast going up for auction?
Unbelievable. This country is amazing.

1 comment:

Juno said...

That's it--I'm drawing a smiley face on my Eggo tomorrow and posting it.