Monday, May 09, 2005

Maia notices people come in different colors

so, this is Maia talking to Petrina ... our black friend/neighbor from upstairs.
(note: Petrina is wearing a tank-top...not running around naked).

Maia: Petrina, your boobies are brown!
P: yes, I know.
M: why are your boobies brown?
P: because I'm brown.
M: my mommy's boobies aren't brown.
P: that's because your mommy isn't brown.
M: you like being brown?
P: yes, I love being brown.
M: and your baby is brown, too.
P: yes, he is.
M: he's so cute.

I feel better now. Last week one of the teacher's at her Pre-school told me that when the semester started Maia didn't want to go into the block room because the block room teacher "has funny hair." (dread-locks) I was so embarrassed, when they told me this. I wanted to say, ..."I swear, I'm not telling that girl anything. She just comes up with stuff. Although, she is addicted to Barbie and that seems to be her standard of non-funny hair at the moment. (SEE, I knew it ...that damn Barbie was gonna come around and bite me in the ass.)" but that would have sounded incriminating, so I just let it be and hoped they would understand that kids will be kids.

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