Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Veronica Mars

ok. I have to finally admit it (because I need to rant about it). I am addicted to "Veronica Mars" (UPN9, Tuesdays at 9pm...well, not anymore...since tonight was the season finale).
The last episode of the season was really an All My Children meets Scream kinda flick....but I loved it except for the fact that you do not know who comes to her door at 3 o'clock in the morning at the very end of the show. Why would they end it that way? why? why?

well, I would like it to be....hmm..Logan, even though I hated that guy 'til almost right to the end.
(this will mean, of course, nothing to all of you who do not know the series....which probably is everyone over 18. ... yes, I am addicted to a teenie show. AND what?! HA? .... but seriously....Veronica Mars is a pretty well written show.)

the end.
I'm out. good night. (the dog slept on my pillow when I was out...have to go change the damn sheets now.)

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