Sunday, January 30, 2005

sex and the city... and important notes on the recipe for life

first of all, for all these years I thought it's sex IN the city....but whatever, doesn't matter (also, I just said "all" twice in one sentence and maybe I shouldn't start writing blogs at 3 o'clock in the morning.

anyway, so they finally released sex in...wait AND the city on DVD and since my broke ass can't afford HBO everyone around me had to keep their mouths shut for months about the ending of the series. Of course, I didn't anticipate that it would take that long for it to appear on DVD, so now I am completely old news and nobody will want to discuss that ending with me.
oh well.

but watching the last four episodes tonight (yes, I watched them all in a row) brought me back to a more timeless realization I just had yesterday. Well, it was less of a realization but a motivated thought. Friends of mine (John and Carla) reminded me of something that I forgot and I am infintely grateful to have been reminded of.
You have to preserve your identity at all costs. Don't lose yourself.
Also, and this I am writing down more for myself... as a reminder:
Your job isn't who you are. It doesn't matter what benefits it has, how secure it is, whatever,... you don't want to wake up one day and realize you're dead inside, for you have let go of every passion you ever had in life.
I have already lost so much. I cannot play the piano anymore and for me this is an immense void. I haven't taken my camera into the streets for years. And I have not picked up a brush in ages.
Work is not your life.
Happiness is priceless.

Dare to quit. Dare to make changes.
Of course, I have two kids, so I can't quit ... but I'm gonna drop that unnaturally straight work-ethic and hopefully someone will fire me one day and I'll get to do what I really want to do.
Someone needs to push me over that plank.
Ahh, I'm so full of shit.
But I'm working on it.

PS: Maia (who just turned 3) watched her first movie today. It was "Cinderella". I tried to talk her into Peter Pan, Lion King, or something I might enjoy, as well but she wanted to watch something with a "princess" and so we had to watch that rattely old Cinderella tape.
Wasn't too bad actually. Cute thing was that Maia asked me about half way into the movie if she could talk to "that lady".
- "what lady?" I asked
- "that lady."
-"the evil one?"
- "yes."
- "well, what would you like to tell her, honey?"
- "ehm...I, I wanna tell her not to be angry." ...and then to the TV she goes, "excuse me, excuuuse me. ... don't be so mean, please."

it was too cute ;)

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