Tuesday, September 14, 2004

things I hate about you and how clean is your house?

did some surfing tonight...channel surfing for a change...two shows that really boosted my mood: things I hate about you (on Bravo around 10pm) and How clean is your house? (on Lifetime sometime after the first show). the latter made me feel particularly good about the condition of my house. and I thought my house was a pig-sty ...woooaaahhh... what people live in is unbelievable. this one woman, you wouldn't be able to tell by looking at her, was living with her puking cat and seemingly never has cleaned anything in her apt. ...ever. There was milk in her fridge from 2003. .... this must have been staged... it was absolutely disgusting. most scary was the fact that she wanted to clean up her house (or have it cleaned by those two ladies who are the show's hosts) so her asthmatic boyfriend could move in...or at least come over. ... what is the boyfriend thinking? that she's gonna change?? and what about that cat, whose litterbox never ever saw a litter shovel, which is the reason why it must have pooped on the woman's bed, btw. ....uuurhg. it was disgusting. ;)

and things i hate about you also made me feel good about my situation (that being the situation of being in a relationship... I just said being twice in a sentence..but am too lazy and too tired to look up any synonyms or work on a different syntax....also, now I said too twice in a sentence...arghh). anyway, ....anyone who thinks they are struggling with annoying habits of their partner should watch that show. it's jaw-dropping (is that a word??)...and it's funny.

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