Saturday, September 11, 2004

a piece of happy

poor little maia looks like an abused child. they're gonna call social services on me first thing monday morning when I'm dropping her off at school (her first day). ... her nose is reindeer-rudolph-inflamed red and her upper lip is swollen. in addition to this she has rings under her eyes from having a bad night of interrupted sleep. I look similar minus the swollen lip but plus about 27 years.... so I really look like shit.
luckily I encountered a miracle today when my dear husband greeted me with a hot bath after my day running around. I just asked for it and I got it. the tension in the middle east pales in comparison to the one which had built up in my back over the past few weeks/months. needless to say, the bath was about the best thing he could have done to get "booty-points", as I like to call them.
I think he really needs to get laid. ... funny, the other day I discovered a new way of putting a little spark back into my sex-life. pretend we're not together anymore and we're not supposed to be doing this...blah blah....anyway worked on me like a charm ;) .... usually my head is wayy too full with all kinds of crap and I just cannot concentrate. While D is trying to "get his groove on" I'm thinking, "how much sleep is this taking away from my night? was that Maia I just heard suckling on her pacifier? oh shit, I forgot to put away the noodles. dammit do I have to do everything around here? get away from me. I hate you."

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