Thursday, August 18, 2005

undercover come-on

so, I 'm walking the dog and this car pulls over next to me. some guy trying to talk to me sort of cruises at my speed of walking.
guy: can I just tell you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.
me: (internal hysterical laugh about stupid come-on line) ...- looking at him with a frown
guy: (probably sensing my discomfort of being hit on from someone inside a car) don't worry...I am a police-man...
me: is this your idea of under-cover work? You disclose your identity to talk to a woman?
guy: can I ask you if I could give you my number?
me: thanks, but no thanks. I'm married. (to which he just bowed his head, blabbered something into his walkie-talkie and sped off).


Anonymous said...

Too bad Dario wasn't around...sometimes these men need reminders!
P.S. You are a beautiful woman.

Ajlouny said...

It's creepy that a police officer would try to pick up on you. Shouldn't there be a rule when on duty to refrain from being a pick up artist.