Wednesday, June 22, 2005

movies movies movies

so, yesterday I "played hookie" (for the first time in a very very long time) to go see Batman Begins for the second time. I left work at 1:30 and met up with Rosa, who also ditched work for the day. We had seen the same movie the night before from the first row of the IMAX; something I definitely do not recommend; so we wanted to see it again, from a less neck-wrenching, pore-magnifying place in the theater. After Batman we snuck (sneak snuk snuck?) into Mr. and Mrs. Smith and that really wasn't what I've heard it would be. First of all they looked unreal as a couple. They are just too perfect looking and it is annoying ..and I love Angelina Jolie (Bratt Pitt isn't bad either). Maybe it was the plot...maybe the fact that they beat each other bloody as man and wife (and it is supposed to be funny)...or maybe just the fact that the characters seemed so 2-dimensional.Oh, well...maybe it is because I saw Batman beforehand...and M&M Smith just couldn't compare.
When I came home and finished putting the kids to bed I sat down for another movie (netflix, baby). In Good Company. My friends, who had already seen it months ago, told me they didn't like the movie. I, however, thought it was very well acted and well told. It also made me really appreciate my job. I don't know how I would survive this cut-throat corporate world out there, where people mean nothing. Well, I guess this is the sacrifice of capitalism. It's either business & profit or people. This is why I will never be rich.

Monday, June 20, 2005

tree-house hotel

Germany's first tree-house hotel (for about 280 bucks/night!?!). Nevertheless, preeetty cool. :)

superficial issues

So, yesterday- for the first time in many many many months - I saw a guy I could describe as somewhat hot. Dario, of course, thinks he is in constant competition with basically any well-built black man or anything remotely attractive. I really don't know why. It's not like I am particularily good looking. In fact, compared to most New York women I am quite a hunch-back, so my worries about D getting swept off his feet by a foxy lady should be exponentially higher than his fears of handsome men with any interests in my humble self.

I wonder, why it is that it makes us feel good when we are desired? Is it a socially conditioned thing?

Personally, I find men most attractive when I don't know them very well, yet. Of course, they have to first fulfill the initial criteria of fitting my attractive-male description, which most of them just don't. This is why Dario has absolutely no worries, for the only men I really find hot are one or two movie-stars, thus basically an illusion.

This blog entry is so bad, I want to put a stickie on my back with the note "former blonde but still dumb". And this joke was so bad I shouldn't be allowed to blog. But hey, everybody can have a bad blogging day, right? ... I am still getting used to the American keyboard and the English language...after 3 weeks on vacation in Austria.
What I really want to do is photograph, anyway... so I should probably get started on figuring out how to set up a photoblog.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

reporting from Austria

so, here I am Austria ...visiting my friends and family. it is beautiful here right now...beautiful and deceiving or so I wonder. Deceiving, for I am being lured in; so much that I actually answered a job posting in the newspaper yesterday. I really don`t know what my plan is. I have been thinking about moving back to Austria for a few years now but when people ask me about it I´d always refer to a non-specific near future (a couple of years). I love New York and I love the people I have met and become friends with there. One of my great passions is street photography and one of my main on-going projects are the streets of the Bronx. However, fact is that my children would have a better life here where I grew up. There are so many reasons .. or so I think.
So, just for the heck of it I looked at the newspaper classifieds with the intention to just get a rough idea what kind of jobs are out there in this little small a** state. Interestingly enough, the first ad I looked at seemed like the perfect job for me. Everything they listed on their list of job duties appeared exciting to me. So, I thought, let me apply. If I don´t do it now...when am I going to do it? Will I ever jump that hurdle? And if they take me..then I suppose that´s an omen.
So I wrote my 2-page application letter describing my unsual circumstances (applying while being on vacation; still got a home and job in NY, etc.), patched together my CV and off I went to personally hand in my application. It so happened that the contact person (the HR guy, I suppose) was still in the office when I arrived 10 minutes to 5 and I actually got a brief interview (in my shabby pants and my americanized -i.e. fresh - attitude). Before I left, I asked him what kind of person they had in mind for the job and he told me that I would be such a person (my resume covering almost all criteria) but they had just published the ad two days ago and were already flooded by applications. So, I´ll hear back from them.
Secretly, I am afraid of getting the position, for it would mean such a drastic change in my life, which I am not sure I am prepared for. Also, I love New York...and this decision would be solely for my children. Last but not least, I wouldn`t know how to tell my boss. When I left, he actually said to me "You better come back!",) well, let's see where life takes me (us).

Ironically, I just started reading Paul Auster`s "Oracle Night". It`s a story within a story within a story. Pretty cool. One of the stories (first tier down) is about a guy who radically changes his life from one day to the other. Actually...I`m going to read now, although it is past 2 a.m. here.

this european keyboard is driving me nuts. all the letters are switched around and if I wanna type an @ sign I have to press CTRL+ALT+Q .ugh.